慈光ヤフーショッピング 古伊万里 地図大皿 天保年製 共箱
慈光では、骨董品の陶磁器のお買い取り、販売を行っております。今回ご紹介する品物は天保年製の古伊万里 地図大皿です。天保年間は江戸後期であり、徳川家慶が将軍になった頃です。この頃鎖国でありながら海外からの影響があった時期のせいか、画の隅には外国がいびつな形で描かれております。写真では解りずらいですが、型押しで凹凸に成形しており、各国が盛り上がっているので立体的に見えます。海の部分は青海波の文様で一つ一つ力強く描かれており粋な感じがします。画の端には架空のものまであり小人国や女護国(にょうごこく)が描かれております。遊び心がふんだんに盛り込まれており見ていても飽きない古伊万里です。サイズ感も良くは33cm×30cmと大き過ぎず小さ過ぎず、非常に扱いやすいです。ご不明な点などございましたらお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
At Jikoh, we purchase and sell antique ceramics and porcelain. The item introduced here is a Ko-Imari map platter from the Tempo period. The Tempo period was the late Edo period, when Tokugawa Iekei became Shogun. It may be because it was a period when there were influences from abroad while the country was closed off from the rest of the world, and foreign countries are drawn in the corner of the picture in an irregular shape. It is difficult to see in the photo, but the molding is uneven, and each country is raised, giving the painting a three-dimensional appearance. The ocean part has a chic look with the blue ocean wave patterns drawn one by one in a powerful manner. There are even fictitious objects at the edges of the painting, such as a dwarf country and a nyogokoku (a country that protects women). It is a Ko-Imari that is filled with a playful spirit and you will not get tired of looking at it. The size is not too big and not too small, 33cm x 30cm, and it is very easy to handle.
TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481
買取のご相談は TEL/ 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)
For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jikoh Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0042
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)