慈光 ヤフーショッピング 蒔絵師 村田百川 木地 漆芸 香合 共箱 茶道具
今回ご紹介する品物は、村田百川(むらたひゃくせん)の香合です。村田百川は、金沢の蒔絵師です。1944年に富山県南砺市に生まれ、伝統工芸に惹かれ会社員を辞め漆芸を学ぶ。1970年に村田家に入り、本格的に漆芸に取り組みます。1975年に、腕を認められ裏千家 井口海仙宗匠様より百川の号の命名を受けます。以後様々な展示会で受賞し評価を得ます。「花、木、庭、茶事、すべてが学びの源泉」ということで、常に学び続ける姿勢が、高いクオリティーで品格のある作品を生み出しております。いずれも卓越した蒔絵は、超絶技巧で仕上げられており、万年筆に絵付けされた蒔絵も非常に人気があります。
Jiko sells and buys tea utensils.
The item we would like to introduce this time is an incense holder by Murata Hyakusen. Hyakusen Murata is a lacquer artist from Kanazawa. Born in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture in 1944, he was attracted to traditional crafts and quit his job to study lacquer art. In 1970, he joined the Murata family and began to work on lacquer art in earnest. In 1975, he was recognized for his skills and was given the name Hyakusen by Urasenke master Iguchi Kaisen. Since then, he has won awards and been highly praised at various exhibitions. His attitude of always continuing to learn, as he believes that “flowers, trees, gardens, and tea ceremonies are all sources of learning,” has led to the creation of high-quality, elegant works. All of his outstanding lacquer art is finished with superb technique, and his lacquer art painted on fountain pens is also very popular.
This incense holder is painted with high-quality lacquer art, giving it a three-dimensional feel. The leaves, stems and fruit are beautifully crafted with great attention to detail.
村田百川 略歴
1944 富山県南砺市福光生まれ
1979 裏千家 井口海仙宗匠様より号(百川)の命名を受ける
1988 金沢市工芸展にて石川県知事賞受賞
1999 金沢市工芸展にて金沢市長最優秀賞受賞
2001 金沢市漆器組合展にて石川県知事賞受賞
2002 金沢市漆器組合展にて石川県知事賞受賞
2011 日本伝統工芸士会展にて受賞
2019 日本伝統工芸士会展にて受賞
Murata Momokawa Biography
1944 Born in Fukumitsu, Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture
1979 Named by Master Kaisen Iguchi of Urasenke as “Hyakkawa
1988 Awarded the Ishikawa Governor’s Prize at the Kanazawa City Craft Exhibition
1999 Awarded the Kanazawa Mayor’s Grand Prize at the Kanazawa City Craft Exhibition.
2001 Awarded the Ishikawa Governor Prize at the Kanazawa City Lacquerware Association Exhibition.
2002 Awarded the Ishikawa Governor Prize at the Kanazawa City Lacquerware Association Exhibition.
2011 Awarded the Prize at the Japan Traditional Art Craftsmen’s Association Exhibition
2019 Awarded at the Japan Traditional Craftsmen’s Association
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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