勝龍寺窯 大名物 鎗の鞘写茶入を、ヤフーショッピングで販売しております。We are selling a reproduction of a spear scabbard tea caddy by Shoryuji Kiln.
慈光ヤフーショッピング 勝龍寺窯 大名物 鎗の鞘写茶入 共箱 仕覆(金剛金襴) 茶道具
今回ご紹介する品物は、勝龍寺窯 、大名物の鎗の鞘写茶入です。勝龍寺窯 は、京焼の窯元で様々な茶器を制作しており、質の良い作品が多いのが特徴です。鎗の鞘写茶入は、秀吉の所持であり、命銘は秀吉であるという説と利休がつけたという説がある名品の肩衝茶入です。豊臣秀吉から、石川備前守、石川宗雲、後藤自安、藤右衛門、井筒屋河井十左衛門休貞、三井八郎右衛門、松平不昧と錚々たる人物によって受け継がれてきたものであり、「鎗の鞘」と「横田」と名物古瀬戸茶入の双璧と称賛されています。
The item presented here is a Daimyo no Yari scabbard reproduction tea caddy from Shoryuji Kiln. Shoryuji Kiln is a Kyoto pottery kiln that produces a wide variety of tea utensils, many of which are of high quality. This tea caddy with a spear-shaped scabbard was owned by Hideyoshi, and there is a theory that Hideyoshi or Rikyu gave this inscription to the caddy. It was passed down from Toyotomi Hideyoshi to eminent figures such as Ishikawa Bizenmori, Ishikawa Soun, Goto Jiyasu, Toemon, Izutsuya Kawai Juzaemon Kyusada, Mitsui Hachiroemon, and Matsudaira Fumai, and is praised as the “spear sheath” and “Yokota” of the famous Kosedo tea caddies.
This tea caddy with a spear-shaped scabbard is a very tasteful piece.
TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481
買取のご相談は TEL/ 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)
For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jikoh Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0042
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)