骨董品の買取なら杉並区の道具屋 慈光




平沢喜之助の油絵を、慈光店舗にて販売しております。Oil paintings by KINOSUKE HIRASAWA is available for sale at Jikoh store. 


平沢喜之助 kinosukehirasawa

今回ご紹介の品物は、平沢 喜之助の油絵です。マチエールで彩られた薔薇の花が、鮮やかな花瓶に飾られています。






平沢 喜之助の油絵は、慈光店舗にて販売しております。どうぞご覧になって下さい。


The item introduced here is an oil painting by Kinosuke Hirasawa. Roses painted with matiere are displayed in a vivid vase.

Upon closer inspection, one can see that the paint, which must have been applied in many layers, is not muddy,

but has a mysterious sinking and deep luminosity that is expressed very beautifully.

KINOSUKE HIRASAWA (1919-1994) grew up painting a lot of pictures in the rich nature of Ina Valley in Nagano Prefecture since he was a boy.

He studied at an art school in Tokyo and was selected for numerous public exhibitions.

Later, he also worked as an art instructor.

Hirasawa’s encounter with Koizumi Kiyoshi’s Fauvisme led him to pursue his inner life.

This painting of roses also gives the impression of being influenced by Fauvism,

which is said to have expressed the colors felt by the heart rather than the colors seen by the eyes.

Oil paintings by KINOSUKE HIRASAWA is available for sale at Jikoh store. Please take a look.

(有)道具屋 慈光
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)

For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jikoh Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo  167-0042

TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481

For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)


買取はこちら  ← Click here to buy




快山窯の青白磁の煎茶(汲出碗)と銘々皿を、慈光店舗にて販売しております。Blue and white porcelain Japanese tea cups and plates by Kaiji Tsukamoto are available at the Jikoh store.

青白磁 塚本快示 blue and white porcelain tsukamotokaiji

塚本快示 青白磁 汲出碗 銘々皿 Blue and white porcelain tea bowls and plates Kaiji

汲出碗には 唐草、銘々皿には牡丹が描かれており、澄んだ水色の釉薬がとても美しい青白磁です。
  • 1912年12月14日 – 岐阜県土岐市に産まれる。生家は累代製陶を営んでいた。
  • 1927年 – 父を助けながら作陶を始める。
  • 1963年 – 第10回日本伝統工芸展に初入選を果たす。
  • 1961年 – 通商産業省のGマークに初入選。
  • 1964年 – カリフォルニア博覧会で金賞を受賞。
  • 1965年 – 第12回日本伝統工芸展日本工芸会会長賞。
  • 1967年 – モントリオール万博に出品しており、海外での活動も行っている。
  • 1973年 – 岐阜県重要無形文化財「青白磁」保持者に認定。
  • 1977年 – 紫綬褒章受章
  • 1979年 – 日本陶磁協会賞。
  • 1983年  人間国宝に認定。
    • 4月13日   重要無形文化財「白磁」「青白磁」保持者に認定。
    • 6月17日   土岐市名誉市民に推挙される。
  • 1990年6月10日  逝去。

The items introduced today are a blue and white porcelain Japanese tea cups and and plates , both made at the Kiln of Kaisan  (Tsukamoto Kaiji’s kiln).
Japanese tea cups are painted with arabesque and the plates are painted with peonies., and the clear light blue glaze is very beautiful blue and white porcelain.
These pieces were made at the Kaizan Kiln of potter Kaishi Tsukamoto, a leading expert in white porcelain and blue-and-white porcelain, and a holder of Important Intangible Cultural Properties (Living National Treasure).

Tsukamoto Kaiji focused his research on white porcelain and celadon porcelain from the Northern Song period of China. He was impressed by the book “Kageoiki” written by Fujio Koyama, an antique ceramics researcher, and refined his own techniques. In particular, he created a style characterized by “katakiri patterns,” in which white porcelain is carved with a steel or bamboo spatula while it is still dry, a technique that has earned him a high reputation not only in Japan but also in the Chinese ceramic world.
Kiln of Kaisan blue-and-white porcelain  Japanese tea cups and and plates are available at Jikoh’s store. Please take a look.

~Biography of Kaizan Tsukamoto
December 14, 1912 – Born in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. His family had been in the pottery business for generations.
1927 – Began making pottery while helping his father.
1963 – Awarded his first prize at the 10th Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition.
1961 – Awarded the Ministry of International Trade and Industry’s G-Mark for the first time.
1964 – Awarded the Gold Prize at the California Exposition.
1965 – Awarded the Chairman’s Prize at the 12th Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition of the Japan Crafts Association.
1967 – Exhibited at the Montreal Expo, and has been active overseas.
1973 – Recognized as the holder of Gifu Prefecture’s Important Intangible Cultural Property “Blue and White Porcelain”.
1977 – Received the Medal with Purple Ribbon1979 – Awarded the Ceramic Society of Japan Prize.
1983 – Recognized as Living National Treasure.
April 13: Recognized as the holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property “White Porcelain” and “Blue and White Porcelain”.
June 17, 1990 – Awarded Honorary Citizen of Toki City.
Passed away on June 10, 1990.

(有)道具屋 慈光
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)

For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jikoh Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo  167-0042

TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481

For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)





三輪栄造の萩茶碗を、慈光店舗にて販売しております。Eizou Miwa’s Hagi tea bowl is available at Jikoh store.

三輪栄造 miwa eizou

今回ご紹介の品物は、三輪栄造 (1946~1999)の萩茶碗です。
三輪栄造 の茶碗は、慈光店舗にて販売しております。どうぞご覧下さい。
The item introduced here is a Hagi tea bowl by Eizou Miwa (1946-1999).

When held in both hands, the curved line of the bowl fits comfortably in the hand, giving it a warm feeling.

The patterns created by the white glaze, a characteristic of Hagiyaki pottery, are beautiful.

Eizou Miwa was born in Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture, the second son of Living National Treasure Miwa Kyusetsu (Jusetsu) XI,
In 1982, he became a full member of the Japan Craftsmen’s Association (JCCA), and was highly regarded for his popularity and ability, until his death in 1999 at the young age of 53.

The Miwa Kiln is one of the former Hagi domain’s official kilns and is said to be one of the most prestigious Hagi-ware kilns,

famous for the white glaze called “Kyusetsu White,” which was developed by the 11th generation Kyusetsu from the straw ash glaze developed by the 10th generation Kyusetsu.

Even today, the kiln continues to keep its fire burning and the Hagiyaki technique alive.

Eizou Miwa’s tea bowls are sold at the Jikoh store. Please take a look.


(有)道具屋 慈光
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)

For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jikoh Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo  167-0042

TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481

For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)





十代三輪休雪の萩茶碗を、販売しております。Kyusetsu Miwa 10th generation(Living National Treasure) Hagi tea bowl is available at Jikoh store.

十代三輪休雪 萩茶碗 Miwa Kyusetsu 10th generation Hagi tea bowl

慈光ヤフーショッピング 十代三輪休雪(休和) 萩茶碗 茶道具 共箱 人間国宝




The item introduced here is a Hagi tea bowl by Kyusetsu Miwa X. Miwa Kyusetsu X is a representative Hagi ware artist and a living national treasure together with his younger brother Kyusetsu XI (Jusetsu). He started his career as a potter at a young age and distinguished himself. At the same time, he also acquired an education as a tea master. His works are characterized by tradition and formality, but also by their majestic power and strength. He was highly respected among tea masters and produced many masterpieces of tea ceremony ceramics. In the latter period of his life, he handed over the family name of Kyusetsu to his younger brother, who took the name of Kyuwa, and continued to produce excellent works.

This Hagi tea bowl shows the characteristic of Kyusetsu well. The white glaze is applied to the entire surface in a flowing manner, and the texture and skin are well expressed. The base, waist, belly, and mouth rim are moderately rounded, and the prospective view is also well rounded. The piece is worth seeing no matter where you look at it. This is a highly recommended item.

Available at the Jikoh store in Nishiogikubo

十代三輪休雪,萩茶碗 Miwa Kyusetsu 10th generation Hagi tea bowl

TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481

買取のご相談は TEL/ 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)

For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jiko Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo  167-0042

TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481

For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)





ハニべ焼きの招き猫を慈光店舗にて販売しております。Hanibe-yaki Maneki-neko is salling at Jikoh shop.

ハニべ招き猫Hanibe-yaki Maneki-neko

今回ご紹介の品物は、石川県のハニベ焼・招き猫です。 ハニベ焼は石川県小松市にあるハニベ岩窟院で作られました。ハニベ岩窟院は、石切り場を利用し、洞窟内に百体以上の仏教関連の像を設置した個性的な施設でした。ハニべとは昔、埴輪など土で彫刻を作る土部師(はにべし)を言い、現在の彫塑家を意味します。こちらの招き猫は、ウインクをしてユニークな表情をしています。横幅約13㎝×高さ約23㎝の大きさで、飾りやすいサイズです。

(有)道具屋 慈光
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)

For inquiries, please contact
(Antique Net Jiko Co.

4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo

TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481

For purchase inquiries, please contact us at TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)

Click here to buy.




ハニベとは 昔 はにわなど土で彫刻を作る人を土部師(はにべし)と言い現在の彫塑家の事を言います

