慈光ヤフーショッピング 酒井田正( 14代 酒井田柿右衛門 )「錦 秋草文 壺」 花器 花瓶 共箱
The item presented here is a jar by Tadashi Sakaida (14th generation Kakiemon Sakaida).
Tadashi Sakaida was born in 1934 as the son of Kakiemon the 13th. In high school, he joined the art club at his grandfather’s suggestion, and later majored in Japanese painting at Tama Art University, where he learned the basics of painting. After graduation, he apprenticed himself to his father and mastered the “Nigoride” technique of the 12th and 13th generations while working as an apprentice, gaining proficiency at a young age. In 2001, he became the holder of the Important Intangible Cultural Asset of “Iroe Porcelain” in 2001, and was certified as a Living National Treasure. He is also known for his extensive efforts to train younger generations.
This jar was made around 1980 (Showa 55), which can be said to be a vigorous period when he was in his mid-40s, the 14th holder of “Iroe porcelain” to assume the title of “Iroe porcelain” in 1982. In the 80s, he expanded overseas and received an honorary citizenship from the mayor of San Francisco at an exhibition in the U.S. This was a time when he was highly acclaimed in the world as well as in Japan.
The painting on this vase, titled “Autumn Grass Design,” is delicate yet powerful. The vivid colors that evoke the feeling of autumn are very pleasing to the eye, and the flowers and grasses that are so well balanced on a jar measuring 30 cm in diameter and 24.5 cm in height are a testament to Tadashi Sakaida’s skill. The view can be enjoyed from any angle.
Sold at our store in Nishiogikubo.

(有)道具屋 慈光
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)
For inquiries, please contact
Antique Net Jiko Co.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0042
TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481
For purchase inquiries, please contact TEL/ 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)