慈光ヤフーショッピング 13代今泉今右衛門 「色絵緑地草花更紗文菓子器」 陰刻 共箱
At Jikoh, we purchase and sell pottery and ceramics.
The item introduced here is an “Iroe green ground with floral motifs and chintz design” pastry bowl by Imaizumi Imaemon XIII. Imaemon Imaemon Kiln has been in existence since the Ezo period and is known for its traditional and highly dignified Iro-nabeshima porcelain. 13th Imaemon Imaemon’s “Iro-e porcelain” works were designated as Important Intangible Cultural Properties and he was certified as a Living National Treasure. As a student at the Crafts Department of the Tokyo Fine Arts School (now the Faculty of Fine Arts of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music), Imaemon had a career that favored abstract pictorial designs, and he created many works of high artistic quality.
This confectionary bowl is decorated with a vivid pattern of flowers and grasses in green and indigo tones. It is both a painted plate and a bowl for confectioneries, and is a spacious work with a broad expanse from the center to the outside.
TEL/FAX 03-3395-7481
買取のご相談は TEL/ 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)