今回ご紹介の品物は、デンマーク製の陶磁器メーカー KPM(Kjobenhavns Porcellains Maleri)のカップ&ソーサーです。
コペンハーゲン磁器絵画( KPM)は、デンマークの首都、コペンハーゲンで、1883年に設立されました。
1936年、卸売業をやっていたホルスト&クヌーセン(Holst & Knudsen)社に買収され、ドイツから輸入された、装飾のない磁器に次々と美しい絵を描き、磁器製品の
こちらのデンマーク製の陶磁器メーカー KPM(Kjobenhavns Porcellains Maleri)のカップ&ソーサーは、只今、慈光店舗にて販売中です。どうぞ、ご覧ください。
Jiko sells and buys ceramics from abroad.
The item presented here is a cup and saucer from the Danish ceramics manufacturer KPM (Kjobenhavns Porcellains Maleri).
The ivory-coloured ground is delicately decorated with bouquet designs of roses and other flowers. The rim is decorated with relief and gold lines.
The rounded handle is decorative and pretty, and the cup is retro. It is a small demitasse size, thin and delicate.
No details on the age are available, but it is thought to be over 100 years old. There are no noticeable stains or cracks and it is in good vintage condition.
Copenhagen Porcelain Painting (KPM) was founded in 1883 in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
In 1936, the company was taken over by Holst & Knudsen, a wholesaler, and began producing porcelain products, painting beautiful pictures one after another on
undecorated porcelain imported from Germany.
The company began producing porcelain products, painting a series of beautiful pictures on undecorated porcelain imported from Germany.
Later, during the Great Depression, it was no longer possible to import inexpensive periods from Germany, so a Danish porcelain factory was established to produce its
own porcelain, which was then over the decades, it is said to have established the production of very good porcelain products.
This cup and saucer from Danish porcelain manufacturer KPM (Kjobenhavns Porcellains Maleri) is now available at Jikoh store in Nishiogikubo. Please take a look !
(有)道具屋 慈光
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
営業時間 10:00~18:00(水曜日休)
For inquiries, please contact
(Jiko Tool Company, Ltd.
4-8-8 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
TEL/FAX 03-5382-5171
Business hours: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Wednesdays)