アンティーク慈光ヤフーショッピング 『ヴェネチアングラス 花瓶 ラグーナ・ムラノガラス 1952年製』
ヴェネチアグラスとは、ヴェネチアのムラーノ島で製作されたものとされています。さらに高い技術をムラーノ島に集約し現在に至ります。非常に強度の高い品質になっています。職人は35年以上の経験が必要であり、世界的を代表するガラス工芸の産地であります。ご紹介した商品は、高さ約34cm 、幅が約21cmと大きなサイズで見ごたえがあり、ガラスの表面の色付けではなく、ガラス自体に着色のガラスを綺麗に練り込み形成されたものであり、非常に高い技術が必要であることは一目瞭然です。
The item presented here is a Venetian glass vase made in 1953. It is from “Laguna Murano Glass,” a Venetian glassworks that has been in business for 700 years.
Venetian glass has long used only very high quality raw materials; in the 14th century, the use of high quality was mandated by the authorities of the time, and quality has been maintained for generations. The workmanship and painting on the glass is done with controlled heat: solidification begins at around 1,200 to 1,400 degrees Celsius, and at 500 degrees Celsius, the glass becomes a hard solid piece. During this process, glass is formed and worked by blowing, and colored with raw materials such as metal oxides and stones. The process is so impressive that the glass changes like a living creature.
Venetian glass is said to have been made on the Venetian island of Murano. The high technology has been further concentrated on Murano and has reached the present day. The quality is extremely strong. Craftsmen must have at least 35 years of experience, and Murano is one of the world’s leading glass artisanal production centers. The product introduced here is a largeheight of approximately 34 cm and a width of approximately 21 cm, which is impressive.

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